Monday 12 November 2007

Monday musings . . . and blushes

I've added couple more widgets here for my own amusement and the possible entertainment of my readers: art quote of the day, and poem of the day. I've got rid of the music because I can't find enough on Songspot that I like and I doubt anyone bothered to switch it on anyway.

There was a wonderfully apt photograph for Remembrance Sunday on Dougal's Mersea Wildlife blog. Its quite hard to believe that these fragile flowers are still in bloom after all the wind and rain we've had.

Thanks for the very moving comments people have added to my own Remembrance Day post and for visiting my grandfather's brief war reminiscences. I'm still searching for the photos of him in uniform which I scanned a couple of years ago - they're here on an archive hard drive somewhere. I know they are!

Thanks also to the Wordsmith for adding her own thoughts on the theme of 'Books - why do we keep them?' . Some interesting comments and emails from other people re that post, too. Re-reading it myself, and clicking on the pics to enlarge them, they suddenly struck me as astonishingly intimate - far more so than all those wedding pics, for example.

I had already remarked to Martin Edwards that it wasn't until after I'd uploaded that I realised one of his books appears, sideways-on and looking as though I'd deliberately slipped it in to gain some Crimewriter Brownie Points, but I promise I hadn't.

It made me scour the photos rather urgently to see what else was in them that I hadn't noticed before. Had I embarrassed myself? What had I inadvertently revealed? Were there copies of A Fieldguide to Your Children's Headlice or Heading for the Menopause? Well There's Nothing You Can Do About It, Ha Ha Ha , or even A Self-Help Guide to OBD, for example? (Well, if there were, then they must be ones that . . . erm . . . yes, that's right . . . ones that other people have lent me . . . and not because I needed them, or anything like that . . . )

I worry now that I have done the lit-blogging equivalent of photographing my underwear or something. I may run away and hide for a while until my blushes subside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did like the music but I'm going to enjoy the daily quote too. And, just so everyone reading this is clear, I didn't lend those books to