Tuesday 29 January 2008

Even Less Eminent Victorians

Two more Limericks from Less Eminent Victorians by Randolph Davies.


Greg Dunn said...

Hi Juliet, just a heads-up that that sock bloke you featured in your favourite blogs posting earlier this month was on Midweek this morning.

Having said that, I wasn't able to listen to it, as I was at the gym, and the moment his bit started, some overweight clod climbed onto a badly-oiled running machine, and the combination of badly maintained man and machine made listening impossible.

Hope you caught it, or can listen again. He sounded every bit as engaging as his excellent website, so thanks to you for pointing us toward it.


Juliet said...

Hi Greg - yes, I heard Sock Bloke this morning too (while wrestling with piles of laundry, rather than doing anything more energetic), though I hadn't know he was going to be on. Must get to see him performing live some day.

Welcome to Musings (I can see from your blog that welcoming you to the Muddy Island is redundant - you probably know the place far better than I do!).

Greg Dunn said...

Thank you! I assure you that you know the auld place better than me, we Tollesburymen step foot on Mersea with great trepidation - reference Johnny Jowers speech at last year's Town Regatta, which pointed out Tollesbury's regrettable claim to fame of being the home of the UK's last tried case of cannibalism, celebrated in the novel 'The Custom of the Sea' - but I do share your fondness for the muddy island.

Congratulations to you, too, for a blog of the most excellent fancy!


Juliet said...

A Tollesburyman?! Horrors! If I'd known that's where you hailed from, I'd never have spoken to you!