Hello. Still haven't cracked this life/work/blog balance thing this year, I'm afraid. I have approx 40 blog posts half-written or sitting unwritten in my head: just haven't been able to get into the swing of actually finishing them off and launching them into cyberspace. Meanwhile, here's what happened above tbte earlier, following the wholly unspectacular disappearance of the sun from the sky, and a few minutes' gentle greyness:

Wonderful pictures. More please!
Hi Juliet, good to see your still with us! Lovely photos as ever.
What drama!
It's good to see you back.
What gorgeous skies
Thank you!
We are so blessed with the wonderful skies over Mersea and it is impossible to tire of wonderful sunsets like those you have captured so well here. Thank you Juliette.
No, I haven't cracked that balance either! But it's still lovely to see your gorgeous photos.
Lovely photos, as ever, Juliet. But quite understand that blogging has to take it's place in the hierarchy. Sometimes I think it would be good for me to switch off the modem for most of the day.
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