Wednesday 12 December 2007

The 48 at 8

Tune in to Radio 3 at 8 every morning and listen to the Well-Tempered Clavier - a prelude or fugue played daily until 17 January.

Meanwhile, the recent book of the same name either is, or is not, going great guns, depending on one's interpretation of the daily updates on the author's increasingly bizarre blog (of the same name).


60GoingOn16 said...

Curses - that's when I walk the impervious-to- freezing-temperatures labradors. But there's always Listen Again, so no excuses for missing out. I haven't listened properly to the 48 for years. Time to revisit, I think, so thank you for the nudge, Juliet.

Anonymous said...

Hope there is a listen again, thanks for the link Juliet. Teresa