I find myself with a spare copy of
The Story of the Sea Glass by Anne Wescott Dodd, with illustrations by Mary Beth Owens, which I reviewed
I've decided to put it up for grabs in my first-ever
Musings Prize Draw.

So, if you have children, or grandchildren or a young friend or relation who you think might like a copy of this touching story with its atmospheric watercolour illustrations - or if you just fancy owning a copy yourself - please leave a comment here, or send me an email (to juliet [at] doyleandco.net) and I'll write your name on a slip of paper with my editor's red biro and pop it into my special sea glass prize draw dish.
It doesn't matter where in the world you live - if you win, I will dispatch it post haste.
So, roll up, roll up - the more the merrier.

I'll ask my windswept younger daughter, who's named after my favourite island (no, not Mersea!), to pick a name at random out of the dish on 21 May (which is the day of my mother's 80th birthday).
Good luck!
Please put my name in the dish. If I win, I promise to pass the book on to my granddaughter eventually!
Could you add my name, please? Would love to read it with my granddaughter.
Please put my name on the list, Juliet. I'd love to read this myself, and share it......after!
I can think of two little girls who would love this, so please add my name, Juliet.
Ooooh! Yes please!
I don't have young ones to share it with, but I do love beach glass!
My 9 year old is an avid seaglass collector - here in Sydney!
May I join your draw please - this sea glass has been a lovely thread.
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