Thanks to Susan at Green Chair Press for this quirky new way to do a tiny bit of good in the world while munching your lunch.
Play the Free Rice Game to test your vocabulary, and for every word you get right, 20 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations World Food Program. There are various levels you can aspire to, and you can play as many rounds as you like. It will save your score so that next time you spare a few moments to play you can check that you're improving.
As well as providing a salutary lesson on how few of the words from the bubbling cauldron of the English language most of us employ in our daily lives, it may even inspire us all to eat a bit less lunch - or at least to give more thanks that our chargrilled aubergine and hummus wrap or steaming mug of soup was so readily available the instant we fancied a chomp.
20 grains per word doesn't sound a lot, but the Free Rice game began on 7 October and by 23 November had raised 3,664,079,450 grains of rice.
Give it a try, fellow blog-scribblers!
Play the Free Rice Game to test your vocabulary, and for every word you get right, 20 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations World Food Program. There are various levels you can aspire to, and you can play as many rounds as you like. It will save your score so that next time you spare a few moments to play you can check that you're improving.
As well as providing a salutary lesson on how few of the words from the bubbling cauldron of the English language most of us employ in our daily lives, it may even inspire us all to eat a bit less lunch - or at least to give more thanks that our chargrilled aubergine and hummus wrap or steaming mug of soup was so readily available the instant we fancied a chomp.
20 grains per word doesn't sound a lot, but the Free Rice game began on 7 October and by 23 November had raised 3,664,079,450 grains of rice.
Give it a try, fellow blog-scribblers!
Tell your friends, work-mates and blog-chums and let's all fill those bowls with rice.

We've been hooked on this ever since my nieces sent it over by email recently. I'm not giving away my score though.
Hey, that was fun. I got 240 rice grains on my first try.
I'll never feed an adult with my above-average-but-still-meager vocabulary, but together, we might create a meal.
I got 3200 grains on the second round.
I'm turning into a gamer.
Ranger - that's fantastic news in rice terms, but are you getting any WORK done?!?!
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