Not only the 'upgrading' of the huts themselves from pastel to vibrant colours, and the improbably royal blue sky, but the very sand itself, which has been transformed from gritty undulations, with bands of washed-up shells and seaweed, into some tropical-paradise-effect flawless golden expanse.
So silly. And as futile as the manipulation of models on fashion magazines - excising all trace of character and individuality, and creating expectations of perfection which are destined to be dashed when reality is encountered in the cold (damp, windy) light of day. Why do they bother?
It's nice here. It isn't perfect. It isn't a Mediterranean resort. But it's still nice. Just as it is.
Exactly. Imperfection = character!
You are so right. It is a very anodine cover. On your blog you make the Suffolk, Essex coast look so wonderful in photographs that I am surprised the tourist agencies don't employ you permanently. But you also make it look normal and friendly: kids, muddy wellies, dogs, fish and chips, dull days and fine days, rainbow clouds, the works.
Sorry to hear about your camera bye the way. I'll miss your beach photos whilst you get it sorted.
Nice post!
And congratulations on your race well run.
Hmm - and just think, the magazine's design/photo editor must have stood back at some point, looked at the cover and said 'Yes!'
Which is not what we would have said, is it?
Hope you've recovered from that tumble.
Hear hear!
How I agree with the theme of this post, Juliet. I used to hunger after perfection myself, before I finally realised that it's not only unattainable, it's not truly desirable. Just as well, actually...
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