and read . . .
and read . . .
You’ll have noticed that the book I’ve selected to break what’s turned out to be a bit of a reading fast, is Emma Darwin’s enthralling The Mathematics of Love.
And here's evidence of the awful truth: I’m a Spine Bender!
Shocking, I know. I’m not proud of it.
And I’ll quite understand if you hate me now.
I'm sure you'll be forgiven in exchange for a review of the book, which hasn't made it onto my TBR mountain yet.
You're in good company - I'm a spine bender too. It's hard not be one, the way paperbacks are constructed these days, even if you're not plonking them face down and open. Far worse is folding over the page corners. I use a bookmark and kill anyone who bends the corners on my books!
Spine bending not good, but then I'm not sure my method, which is to use any handy bit of paper/unopened envelope etc etc is any better, as I then waste hours looking for my temporary bookmarks. And I have been known to leave books facedown too....
I have added your blog to my Generation X blog roll. Could you let me know what year you were born. I enjoy your blog. Also, someone very dear to me shares your first name.
also, has anyone ever told you that you look like natasha richardson, the English actress who I think is married to Liam Nesson
M - will certainly be reviewing it idc (once I've caught up with about a dozen others waiting in the wings)
WS - eek, I've been known to turn down corners in extremis too (but only on paperbacks, I promise!)
Jane - life's too short for bookmarks!
Jen - Hi. Oh dear - I'm way too old for your blog!! See http://julietdoyle.blogspot.com/2008/02/number-of-years.html
(and no, nobody's ever has told me that, but I sure wouldn't mind being married to Liam Neeson!)
oh dear a spine bender - I knew there had to be something imperfect about you Juliet!
I'm here via your comment about the "Guernsey" book on Random Distractions. I'm much the same way; I tend to be out of the popular reading loop, mostly by choice, but this one has captured my heart in just a few pages I've read. Loved the pictures of you reading. I'll be back to spend more time. Very, very nice blog.
T - oh there are *loads* more hideous defects, Teresa - eg, you can see the vast size of my dog's bottom from these pics but not (by design) the size of mine!!
Nan - hi and welcome to Musings. I've visited your lovely blog a number of times via Random Distractions and some others I visit. I can see why it's on their blogrolls - I'll put it on mine too!
Wow - weather that's good enough to let you read outdoors. Am definitely living on the wrong side of the country.
Looking forward to your thoughts on Mathematics, Juliet, just as I'm looking forward to Emma Darwin's second novel, A Secret Alchemy, which is due out in November. (Oh dear, does that sound like a plug? Seriously, Emma D is a highly original and talented writer - and a writer who really works at her craft, as visitors to her blog, This Itch of Writing, have discovered.)
It looks like you had a splendid weekend Juliet!
I've not yet read The Mathematics of Love, although I bought it ages ago. Must get to it one of these days...
And don't be ashamed of being a spine bender- books are after all to read, a bent spine shows how reluctant you are to put the book down and how eager you are to pick it up.
D - I'm sorry to have to tell you that much of what little summer reading I've achieved has been of an al fresco nature! One of the reasons I was eager to read this one is that I too like the sound of the forthcoming Secret Alchemy. Agree entirely about Emma's excellent blog.
S - ahhh, that is such a lovely way of putting it. Thank you. I feel a little less bad about my secret vice now!
I am married to a spine bender - it drives me crackers when he reads my paperbacks.
Jxt - I'm very sorry to hear it. We SBs are truly dreadful and are best kept well away from other people's books!
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