I love them infinitely dearly of course - but goodness, how lovely it is today now that all three children are safely back at school!
I know exactly how many solid, uninterrupted hours' work I can do before I hear their [darling little] voices again. And that feels good. Concentration will once again simply happen, rather than requiring effort and being overlaid by guilt.
And, once I've successfully achieved my clear day's-worth of work, this is what awaits me:

No, it's not my TBR pile, it's my TBB (to be blogged) pile. Books I've read which are well worth Musing about, but I didn't have (or make) time over the summer hols to do so. I simply can't decide where to start, so all suggestions welcome!
(Bad pic, sorry - I stacked them on my scanner, which protested about the weight and performed extremely badly to prove the point.)
I'll be interested to hear what you thought of Notes on a Scandal. Have you seen the film, by any chance? I thought both Judi Dench and Cate Blanchett were excellent.
Notes on a Scandal would be my first choice, too, J. Apart from the fact that I enjoyed both the book and the film, it is the only one on that particular shelf that I have read and i don't want you to tempt me to buy any more just yet. Thanks, Mxx
I'm dying to hear about The Last Englishman, and his book, A Month in the Country.
OK, I'll kick off with Notes on a Scandal and then move on to J L Carr. An interesting juxtaposition!
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