Friday, 5 October 2007

What I had for breakfast

I notice that Anne Holloway picked up on Graham Norton’s scandalous and insupportable suggestion on Just a Minute that bloggers are socially deficient people who fail to observe the first principles of personal hygiene. Well, as I’ve observed before on this, erm . . . BLOG, of which I find myself merrily at the helm, I used to be similarly persuaded that people who blogged were ‘self-aggrandising, self-publicising, self-obsessed people who imagine that the world wants to know what they ate for breakfast’.

Now, thank goodness, I have seen the light. I KNOW that people want to know what I ate for breakfast. People as far away as Australia, even.

So here’s what I ate for breakfast today:

Yep, blackberry and apple crumble!
I somewhat over-catered on the B&A crumble front at the beginning of the week. There is no room in the freezer and this one needed using up, so by popular request I served it for breakfast instead of more usual fare. Though I say it myself, and at the risk of being considered self-congratulatory, I will just add that it was utterly delicious, with a spoonful of Greek yogurt blobbed on top.

Do you like the bowls? A bit fab, aren’t they. They were made 22 years ago, in Scotland, somewhere around here by a little-known potter whose output was small but perfectly formed and would - if anyone knew about it - be highly sought-after, I’m sure. You will find her website here.

Self-publicising? Moi?

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