While my
Saturday slump might arguably be construed as a quest for the slightly challenging, Sunday slump, on the other hand, is an unabashed slump of brain as well as body.

Thus from the depths of my becushioned sofa, I gazed at
Lark Rise to Candleford - cosy, undemanding, feelgood tosh with good actors in it.

And then Kingdom - cosy, undemanding, feelgood tosh with good actors in it.
And that was that.
I think Lark Rise is in the usual cosy Sunday spot and so there are no surprises that it is not 'BBC Costume Drama' but fireside and slipper fare. Kingdom is the ITV equivalent but who can resist Stephen Fry (now there is a multi-tasker).
That said, Juliet, cheap chocolate and wine instead of pointy sticks and yarn? Some of us out here can manage all four, I mean what multi-tasker cannot knit with their toes?
I know, I know, I'm just a hopeless failure on the multi-tasking front.
And now I've revealed myself as a woman who eats 'cheap chocolate', too. Not sure how my reputation is going to recover from that one!
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