Now that I've dutifully hacked back an awful lot of brambles at the bottom of the garden (not
all of them because I want a decent crop of blackberries) and re-potted some geraniums and watered everything . . . it's time to shuffle up the names in my [rather inappropriately huntin'-shootin'-fishin'-type but nevertheless exceptionally useful] Muddy Island Rainy Walk Hat (pictured in action
here!) and pull out the lucky winner of
Harpole & Foxberrow: General Publishers .

And the winning name is . . .

Congratulations, Rob - I'm sure you'll enjoy it, since you're already a fan of J L Carr. Drop me a line and let me know your address.
Rob blogs at
Topsyturvydom, where there's always a faint aroma of performing seals and currently also a small piglet in wellingtons.
Commiserations to the 27 non-winners. Thanks for entering. There will be another prize draw here very soon, so maybe you'll be lucky next time.
I think I should have bought a lottery ticket, as this is the second prize draw I've won recently. Thanks, Juliet, I'm delighted. I promise to blog about it when I've read it.
Delighted you're delighted, Rob! A worthy winner. Blogging about it is absolutely *not* one of the terms and conditions of the draw. But of course, if you feel so inspired, I will be very interested to read your assessment.
I'm writing this having just finished watching the DVD of Month in the Country and am just off to re-read the novel. As you rightly pointed out, J L Carr was a real one-off. High time for a revival of interest in his work, I say!
BTW everyone, for a long list of other current bookbloggers' giveaways across the globe, go to: (though not all are open internationally, so please check before entering).
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